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Health and Safety

Health and Safety COVID Protocols


The Texas Youth Camp seeks to provide a safe environment for campers and volunteers to grow spiritually and have a great time. In light of COVID-19, the Texas Youth Camp will implement the following guidelines to protect the safety of all at camp. The guidelines have been created to follow guidance from the CDC, the Texas governor’s office, and Forest Glen.


Parents should note that the Forest Glen staff and the Texas Youth Camp staff will coordinate to provide a safe camp experience. Forest Glen staff will be responsible for several of the safety procedures. Please visit the Forest Glen Health and Safety page to read what Forest Glen will do to maintain a safe camp environment.


The Texas Youth Camp will implement the following policies to complement the Forest Glen safety measures.


1. During drop-off and pick-up, parents should remain in their vehicles.

The drop-off and pick-up process will be redesigned so parents can complete the process without leaving their vehicles.

2. Check-in and daily wellness checks will be performed for all campers and volunteers.

The wellness check will include a temperature check and COVID symptoms screening questions.


3. Masks will be required when indoors except when in the cabin or when eating. Masks will not be required outdoors.

Campers should bring an ample supply of masks for the week.

4. Mealtimes will be staggered to reduce the number of people in the dining hall.


5. Campers will sleep head-to-toe, and bunks will be spaced out as much as possible. 


6. There will be no off-campus travel for volunteers unless authorized by the camp director.


7. Cabins will be sanitized daily.

Sanitizing wipes will be used to wipe down the cabin's commonly touched surfaces daily.


8. No parents, outside visitors, or outside guest speakers will be allowed at camp except to drop-off or pick-up campers.


9. Staff Training

All staff and volunteers will be trained on appropriate disinfecting measures, personal hygiene, and respiratory etiquette on top of the normal hygiene practices.


10. Medical Procedures

Medical procedures relating to COVID-19 can be viewed here. Anyone testing positive for COVID-19 will be isolated from other campers in an isolated room until the person can depart camp and return home. If someone tests positive for COVID-19, all campers' parents will be notified by email. Parents can choose to pick up their camper early if someone tests positive for COVID-19.


11. Parents should be aware of the post-camp enhanced risk.

For 14 days following the camp departure date, campers should avoid close contact with anyone 65+ or anyone in a high-risk category for COVID-19.


12. COVID Policies are subject to change. 

If a change is made, registered parents will be notified by email. If they don't like the change, they can request a full refund.


13. If a camper cancels for health reasons or concerns, you will receive a full refund.


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