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  • What are the pick-up and drop off times for my child’s session?
    We will have a drive-through check-in and pick-up process again this year for High School and Middle School. Parents will drop their campers off close to their cabins. Camp volunteers will be on hand to assist campers with their belongings and escort them to their cabins. Elementary campers will be dropped off at their cabins. More specific details will be communicated closer to camp. For Texas Youth Camp 2025 on site Check-in and Check-out times at Forest Glen are: ALL Sessions (HS/MS/ELEM) - cars will follow the signs once inside camp to the check in spot Check In: SUNDAY, June 1st , 3:00 pm Check Out: FRIDAY, June 6th, 10:00 am NO late pick-ups are allowed.
  • I want to register online, but I have not done so before.
    Go to and follow the instructions.
  • When does early registration and registration close?
    EARLY BIRD PRICING - deposit of 15% due by March 31st, 2025 A deposit of 15% is required by: Sunday, April 14, 2025, for all three camp sessions. If a deposit is not paid by the appropriate date, then the slot will NOT be held. Balances are DUE and registration will close on May 5, 2025, at midnight for all three camp sessions. There will be no late registrations. All fees must be paid in full on May 4, 2025. There will be no refunds or transfers.
  • Can I make partial payments?
    You may make partial payments and options will be presented during the registration process. Your balance due must be paid in full by May 5, 2025, by midnight for all three camp sessions. There will be no refunds or transfers.
  • Our plans have changed…can I get a refund?
    Unfortunately, once registered, there are no refunds for any reason. Once you register, we make a commitment with Forest Glen and are required to pay for that spot. There is a possibility for your camper’s registration fees to transfer to another camper....but this is on a case by case basis.
  • Are there second or multiple child/ren discounts?
    No. TYC is not able to offer multiple child discounts for registration.
  • Are there any scholarships available?
    There are no scholarships available directly from Texas Youth Camp. Please see your Ministry Leader (within your Church/Region) for details. All fees must be paid prior to May 5th by midnight for all three camp sessions. It is the responsibility of the camper to ensure that their account is paid in full. If you are anticipating a scholarship, be sure it is applied before you try to send your child to camp.
  • Are there any discounts available for volunteering?
    TYC is not able to offer discounts for your child/ren’s registration fee for volunteers or counselors.
  • How do I volunteer for camp?
    VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION WON'T OPEN UNTIL APRIL Please go to the Registration tab and follow the instructions for the Volunteer option. Counselors, Interns, and Nurse's Aides will have to register but do not pay registration fees. The registration fee for support staff is considered an expense of camp and is captured within the fee schedule of the campers.
  • What can I expect to eat while at camp?
    Our camp venue offers a wide variety of options on their menu. No nuts are served; a salad bar and/or fresh fruit are offered at each meal. Special accommodations can be made for vegetarian diets, gluten free & casein free diets and other food sensitivities. Please indicate what your child’s special needs are when prompted to do so in registration. Our Camp venue foodservice director will be made aware of the need and have choices available to accommodate your child. It is up to your child to monitor his/her food choices.
  • My child has food allergies. How should we plan for his/her meals at camp?
    See above question “What Can I expect to eat at camp?” Additionally, we encourage you to make the First Aide Coordinator and the cabin volunteers aware of his/her food allergies. Our Canteen supply will have many options and we will stay sensitive to common food allergies in our offering. Do not send food with your child. Contact us if you have further questions. If your child has a specific food allergy like “eggs” or “dairy”…please note on your registration form and let the camp administrator know specifically what that allergy means. Can they eat foods that are baked with “eggs” or “dairy” or just not drink a glass of milk or eat scrambled eggs? Please list the severity of the allergy. The more you explain, the more we can meet those needs.
  • What if I have medicine for my child?
    When you register your camper, you will be asked to list all medications that your child needs to take while at camp. Bring your child’s medicine in a gallon sized ziplock bag with their name, camp session, birth date, and dosage written on the outside with a sharpie. The parent needs to turn the medicine into the nurse upon check in.
  • Are there additional forms I need to fill out and bring with me?
    All medical and release forms have been incorporated into our registration process including an online electronic signature. When you register, you will be required to sign with that electronic signature pad.
  • What if my child has lice when she is checked by the nurse?
    We encourage you to check your child before driving to camp. If lice is found on your child’s head during camp, your camper will be sent home without a refund.
  • What do I need to bring to camp?
    Please refer to the camper handbook for a detailed list of things to bring and things NOT to bring to camp. Electronic devices including cell phones will be confiscated if brought to camp, even if only used as a Bible. Make sure your child has a hard copy of the bible. Thanks!
  • Where is camp located?
    The Texas Youth Camp will be at Forest Glen Camp. They are a professional camp facility located in Huntsville, Texas. Directions can found on the Forest Glen website: Be sure to print a copy of the map. We cannot guarantee GPS devices will take you via the most direct route.
  • I think my child is mature enough to go to the next session even though they do not make the cut-off.
    Camp session grade levels are set to provide an appropriate age group for each camp session for the safety and enjoyment for your child and others. No exceptions will be made.
  • My child has a friend coming to camp and would like to attend with them.
    That is great! The same registration rules apply to all camp registrants. If there is space available at the time of registration, you can secure a spot.
  • What if my child leaves something at camp? Lost and Found?
    At Forest Glen during check-out be sure to look at the Lost & Found table for any possible lost items. Please be sure to instruct your child to check thoroughly before they leave. All left items will be discarded or donated.
  • I have another question that isn't listed here, who should I call?
    Email us at:
  • How will the campers be grouped together?
    Campers will be assigned a cabin according to their grade and gender as usual by the directors of each camp session. Each cabin will have at least 2 adults volunteers.
  • What if a camper/volunteer shows symptoms of illness?
    In general, if a volunteer/camper has a fever, vomits or has another symptom causing concern, they will be sent to the nurse for evaluation/testing and if need be, will be put in isolation and sent home immediately.
  • Why do I have to upload my child’s immunization record?
    Texas law requires that youth camps have a camper’s vaccine record on file. All immunization records will be kept confidential and access will be limited to our administrative staff and medical staff. If your camper is not immunized, please state that on the registration form. The COVID-19 vaccine is not mandatory for our campers or volunteers.
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